Consulting services are offered by a certified occupational therapist on a wide range of topics from wheelchair accessibility to activities of daily living assessments. These services go beyond the scope of occupational rehabilitation to include a variety of leisure and self-care issues. Common referrals for Occupational Therapy consultation services are as follows: 

Occupational Therapy Home Visits
Home visits are provided to administer activities of daily living and/or community living skills assessments and to determine the need for adaptive aids or equipment. The goal of these visits is ultimately to increase an individual's level of safety and independence in activities of daily living in order to enhance his/her quality of life. Accessibility issues may also be addressed, if applicable, during these visits.

Follow up regarding equipment, adaptive aids, and home modifications is conducted as appropriate.

Wheelchair Accessibility Consultation
Contractors, architectural engineers, employers, or homeowners may require the expertise of an occupational therapist in designing or modifying dwellings or buildings in order to accommodate wheelchair users. Recommendations are specific to each case and depend upon the nature of the referral. In every situation, a thorough on-site evaluation is required prior to provision of accessibility recommendations.